ICEBREAKER:  How do you spell relief?

What was or is the most unusual home remedy for illness that you use or have heard of? 


TEXTS: Exodus 23:25, James 5:13-20, Proverbs 4:20-23



1.      Name a time that you believe you were the sickest you ever remember being.  How did you feel?

a.    afraid

b.   concerned

c.    lonely

d.   tired

e.    angry

f.     filled with pain

g.    _________________________

2.      When you have been sick in the past, who is the first person

that you call and why?

3.      What does James 5:14,15 say that a believer should do first if

he/she is sick?

a.    Dip in Meyer’s Lake seven times

b.   Take a hot mud bath

c.    Take a table spoon full of cod liver oil every hour on the hour

d.   Call for the elders of the church & have them anoint you with oil and pray for you?

4.      James 5:16 says to confess your sins one to another that you

may be healed and then it says the fervent effectual prayer of the righteous availeth much.  Since God is the one who forgives us why would He want us to confess to one another?

5.      What are some of the methods God uses to release healing to


6.      What are the four directions in Proverbs 4:20-23  for finding,

God’s Word, His medicine and taking that medicine?  What do each of these directions mean?


7.      What are the sicknesses in your family that want to renounce for you and your children?

8.      Do you need prayer for healing in your body



#5: Prayer, Communion, Gifts of Healings, Faith, The Blood of Jesus

The Name of Jesus, Proper Diet & Exercise, Laughter, Confessing the Word of God, Medical intervention, Forgiving others, Proper rest (Sabath meaning rest)


#6:   Give attention to my Word, Incline your ear to God’s sayings,

        Do not let them depart my their eyes, Keep them in your heart