“Destiny Delivered”


ICEBREAKER:  What was the most important thing that was delivered to your house this month?  (Newspaper, Paycheck, Pizza,

Chinese food, Groceries, Mail, Dry-cleaning, Bills, Packages, Anniversary, Christmas and/or Birthday Gifts, Documents, Invitations, College or employment opportunities, Magazines, etc.



1.        WHAT you are doing plus WHERE you are does not equal WHO you are.

2.        My FAITH plus my HOPE equals my DIVINE APPOINTMENT.

3.        The right person + the right place + the right time = destiny delivered.


TEXT:  Galations 4:1-4, Genesis 39, 40



1.        Galations 4:1 essentially says until the child matures he is just like the servant.  While growing up what is or has been your least favorite chore and why?  Washing clothes, Doing the dishes, Cleaning your room, the bathroom, car, closet, Vacuuming the house, Washing windows, Dusting, Yard work, Working in the garden, Caring for the animals or pets, Babysitting younger siblings, etc.

2.        In the midst of all of Joseph’s trouble how did God continue to show Joseph his approval in Genesis 39?

3.        When others ask us who we are we usually tell them our name and where we work and/or go to school.  Instead of telling people what we do how could we answer the question?

a.     I am a child of ___________________________________

b.     I enjoy __________________________________________

c.      I really dislike_____________________________________

d.     One day I am going to______________________________

e.     I feel most fulfilled when I am_______________________

 4.  While Joseph was in prison he waited with expectation

and hope for his breakthrough.  He finally got an appointment with Pharaoh that changed everything.  If you could get an appointment with someone that you could help or they could help you, who would it be?

a.     A Politician

b.     A Famous Coach or Athlete

c.      A Wealthy Businessman

d.     A Televangelist, Pope, Etc

e.     A Author

f.      An Entertainer

g.     A Doctor

h.     A Banker

i.       A Counselor

j.      Dennis Rodman or Paris Hilton

k.     _________________________________

5.   If God was waiting for you to mature enough for him to be able to give             you your inheritance, in what area is He waiting for you to mature and what would your inheritance be? (Give this one some thought)