RealLife Study Group


Prepared for use during week of October 29th , 2006.

Ice Breaker:  Penny For Your Thoughts

When everyone arrives ask them to choose a penny from a bag. When everyone is seated ask them to look at the date on their penny. Ask them to think about something that happened to them that year. Start with the oldest by asking "Does anyone have a penny with a date before 1950? 1960? etc. Start with the oldest date and work forward until the most recent penny is shared. The answers can be funny, short or serious and allows each person to share as much or as little as they want.

Text: Psalm 42,  Psalm 43, Matthew 27:46, Romans 8:28

Study Group Discussion Questions:

  1. Foundational to our very faith is the truth that Jesus loves us.  Has the enemy ever lied to you and told you that Jesus didn’t love you?  What made you believe this at the time?
  2. Share about a time in your life when the Lord revealed His love to you in a special way.
  3. Has anything ever happened to you that challenged your faith?  Explain.
  4. Did you ask God, “Why?”  Did you ever get an answer?  Explain.
  5. Read aloud Psalm 42 and Psalm 43.  What steps did David demonstrate for us to follow when we don’t know “Why?”
    1. Ask God “Why?”
    2. Seek Truth
    3. Praise and rehearse the nature of God and His goodness to you in the past.
    4. Place the circumstance in His hands, and trust Him.  Remembering Romans 8:28.
  6. Together pray about the things and the questions you have shared with one another, place them in the Father’s hands and agree and confess to trust Him.




























Ice Breaker Handout


“What will they be…..


_______be the first woman to win at the Indianapolis 500

          _______be the used car salesman of the year

          _______rise to the top in the diplomatic corps

          _______strike I t rich in a football lottery

          _______replace John Madden on Monday Night Football

          _______write a best selling novel about their own love life

          _______be a world famous hairdresser

          _______make a fortune in pay toilet rentals

          _______become an underworld detective

          _______become a lobbyist for recycling cemetery lots

          _______start a gossip column for the love-lorn

          _______open a charm school for Harley Davidson alumni

          _______skateboard across the country

          _______discover a new use for underarm deodorant

          _______become a soap opera celebrity

          _______(compose your own)