Ice Breaker Handout


“What will they be…..


_______be the first woman to win at the Indianapolis 500

          _______be the used car salesman of the year

          _______rise to the top in the diplomatic corps

          _______strike I t rich in a football lottery

          _______replace John Madden on Monday Night Football

          _______write a best selling novel about their own love life

          _______be a world famous hairdresser

          _______make a fortune in pay toilet rentals

          _______become an underworld detective

          _______become a lobbyist for recycling cemetery lots

          _______start a gossip column for the love-lorn

          _______open a charm school for Harley Davidson alumni

          _______skateboard across the country

          _______discover a new use for underarm deodorant

          _______become a soap opera celebrity

          _______(compose your own)