RealLife Study Group

Subject: "Hear No Evil"
Ice Breaker: Telephone!
Description: As players sit in a circle someone whispers a message next to him who in turn repeats it to the next player, and so on around the circle. Each player whispers the message only once. When the message has completed its circuit, the last person repeats it aloud for comparison with the original message. To make it more challenging the leader whispers two messages, sending one to the right and one to the left.
    Text: Genesis 2:15,16; Genesis 3:1-11
  1. What did God tell Adam about eating in the garden? (verse 2:15,16)
  2. What did the serpent say to Eve? (verse 3:1-5)
  3. Why do think Eve was drawn to the serpent?
    1. The serpent was shiny
    2. The serpent appealed to her curiosity
    3. Eve did not think there was enough to eat in the garden
    4. Eve really did not know who she was
    5. The serpent saw a longing in Eve he thought he could manipulate
  4. Where was Adam during the conversation between Eve and the serpent? (verse3:6)
  5. Why do you think the voice of evil was more compelling than the voice of God to Eve?
    1. According to James 1:14 she was drawn away by her own lust.
    2. She didn’t know God’s Word well enough.
    3. Her love relationship with God wasn’t what it should have been.
    4. She had no idea how cold her sin would cause Northern Ohio to get in the winter for her posterity.
  6. How does the enemy disguise his appearance and voice today?
    1. Media
    2. Entertainment
    3. Music
    4. __________________
  7. How do you know the difference between God's voice and Satan's voice?
  8. How has Adam and Eve's sin impacted our lives today?
  9. Recently what has been your greatest distraction or irritation?
  10. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent who do you enjoy blaming for your choices?
    1. Parents/Family
    2. Spouse
    3. Employer
    4. The Government
    5. Peer Pressure
    6. The Devil