RealLife Study Group

Subject: "Dare to Discipline"

Ice Breaker: "Point Game"
Ask each guest to jot down ont the back of a paper the points for each question to which he/she can answer "yes". Ask the guest the following questions:

  1. Are you wearing a wrist watch? 5 pts.
  2. Are you wearing a ring? 5 pts.
  3. Are you wearing glasses? 10 pts.
  4. Did you bring your bible? 10 pts. (15 pts. if John 3:16 is underlined)
  5. Did you go to church last Sunday? 25 pts.
  6. Did you kiss your spouse, child, or parent today? 25 pts.
  7. Did you kiss anyone? 15 pts.
  8. Give yourself 1 pt. for each year you have been in & out of school.
  9. Give yourself pts. for the date or month you were born. (2 for second month etc... to 12)

  10. Award a prize to highest & lowest score
Text: Luke 24: 13-35
    Study Questions
  1. Why did the 2 men take off for Emmaus?
    1. Scared stiff
    2. Work the next day
    3. Running away
    4. Disillusioned over the events of the last week
  2. When they heard the report from the women about the empty tomb, what did they assume?
    1. The worst
    2. Jesus was alive
    3. Someone had stolen the body
    4. the authorities were arresting everyone
  3. Have you ever felt like running away or throwing in the towel spiritually?
  4. Does your level of commitment reveal that you are a amateur or a professional Christian?
  5. Are you running the race with 100% effort or half hearted?
  6. For you to totally trust the resurrected Lord what must change in your life?