RealLife Study Group

Ice Breaker: The Token of Temptation
Ask each person to tell the group the most memorable gift they ever received and the most disappointing gift they ever received.
Text: II Timothy 2:19-26

1) An enticment to do wrong
2) The word entice means to lure by bait
3) Nasah in Hebrew translated to attempt to prove the quality of something.

1) What is everyone who names the name of Christ suppposed to depart from? (verse 19)
2) In verses 20 & 21 we are called to be vessels of honor, how do we become prepared for the Master's use?
3) In verse 22 what are we to flee and what are we to follow?
4) verse 25 says that we're to instruct those that oppose themselves, how do we oppose ourselves?
5) What has been the most difficult test of you life?
6) How do we deal with people that will not listen? (verse 24)
7) How can we recognize the devil's snares?