Topic: “Cultural Christian or Follower of Christ”


Icebreaker:  How is life different now from when you were younger?

Responsibilities, Lifestyles, Food, Fashions, Music, etc.

What is the lowest price you remember paying for gas? Movie tickets (not Movies 4)?  What is the first TV or radio show you remember watching or listening to?


Text:  Luke 14:24-35


Definition:  Disciple means follower of Christ



  1. How has America changed for the better since you were younger? For the worse?


  1. What do you think the difference would be between a cultural Christian and a follower of Christ?


  1. What has happened, either positive or negative, in America that you thought you would never see in your lifetime?


  1. What are some of the ways that Satan attacks us?  (We gave seven examples on Sunday.)


  1. As a group, if you were to name about a dozen values or characteristics of a positive and productive citizen what they be?

a.__________________    e.________________   i._______________

b.__________________    f.________________   j._______________

c.__________________    g.________________  k._______________

d.__________________    h.________________  l._______________


     6.  It has been said that we will never change the world until we are ready and willing to change ourselves, what change is God requiring of you?


  1. In Luke 14:26,27,33, Jesus points out three categories of things we must surrender to Him in order to be His disciples, what are they?