TOPIC:  “The Call Button”


ICEBREAKER:  Emergency Call


DESCRIPTION: Describe a time when someone called you for help and a time when you called someone for help?  (when Michael Dana was little He once called 911 to tell them we had monsters in our basement.  They called us back to see if we needed help from ghostbusters.)


TEXT:  Daniel 1:1-8, Daniel 10:


OUTLINE:  The call of God


  1. Your call may be connected to a fall
  2. Your call may be connected to a series of buttons
  3. Your call may be put on hold but its not over
  4. Your call may be connected to a conference call




  1. Daniel’s life as a young man suddenly and drastically changed due to what tragic national event?
  2. Can you remember a crises or event that seemed to change everything in your life? (Death, job transfer, natural disaster, etc…)
  3. What was the call of God on Daniel’s life and what did he do to prepare himself?
  4. What is the call of God on your life and what are you doing to prepare yourself?  ( To be the best _________that you can be.)
  5. Daniel fasted, prayed and read Jeremiah when he needed an answer, what do you do?(Call Mama, watch TV, go to Bereans)
  6. How is the call of God connected to other people?