RealLife Study Group

Subject: "Brokenness"
Ice Breaker: "Who Am I?
Description: When guests arrive place a sticky note on their back with the name of some biblical character. When everyone has arrived tell them they can ask one yes/no question of each guest until they figure out who they are. Questions like: Am I a man? Did I have siblings? Etc.... The first one to figure it out wins. Keep playing until everyone gets it right.
    Text: Exodus 30:34-38
  1. What are the names of the spices used in verse 34 to prepare the incense for the Altar of Incense?
  2. What were they to do with these spices in verse 36?

Text: Matthew 5:1-10 (The Message Bible)

  1. In what areas have you made the most progress in the last year? Ther are 8 qualities given in this passage that brokeness will produce.
    1. Self-Acceptance: The ability to accept yourself so that you can accept others.
    2. Empathy: The ability to feel what others feel.
    3. Gentleness: The ablilty to be tender and lead without overpowering others.
    4. Spirituality: The ability to maintain spiritual priorities.
    5. Sensitivity: The ability to pick up on the hurt and pain of others.
    6. Transparency: The ability to be yourself without pretense.
    7. Peacemaking: The ability to harmonize differences.
    8. Endurance: The ability to stand up for what you believe without getting defensive or compromising your priniciples.

  2. In what areas are you struggling?